Definition: Obtuse annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.
Definition: Chauvinist displaying excessive or prejudiced support for one's own cause or group, in particular showing male prejudice against women.
ChatGPT A.I. interpretation:
While some comedians have used offensive language and chauvinistic humor in their routines and gained popularity among certain audiences, it is important to note that this type of humor is not universally accepted or appreciated.
One reason why some comedians have been successful with this type of humor is that it can create a sense of camaraderie or group identity among certain audiences who share similar views or experiences. In this sense, the humor can serve as a way of bonding with others who may feel marginalized or misunderstood.
Additionally, some people may find this type of humor to be a way of addressing taboo or controversial topics in a way that feels edgy or provocative. It can also be a way of challenging societal norms and expectations.
However, it is important to recognize that this type of humor can also be hurtful and offensive to many people, particularly those who have been the targets of discrimination or prejudice. The success of such humor should not be used as a justification for discriminatory or harmful behavior, and it is important for comedians and audiences alike to be mindful of the potential impact of their words and actions.
“Since NO one can understand my writing, it might as well rhyme.” John Ralph Tuccitto
* - rhyme ** - additional rhyme
Decide if you like my *opinions, or do you mingle with contrary *minions? A group-think *contrarian-*vulgarian. Why is my quote above this question funny? Read Rudder's Ruse.
Then, read this text below and find out why obtuse writing can only make sense unless it rhymes.
Identifying rhyme (to most people) can't comprehend what's being *said; recognizing those who hate being pathologically brain-*dead. Ask me how I *know, aunt *flow. Peoplepay to *laugh, to rekindle group-thinker's sacred-*calf. A ringleader determines humour is *best, to communicate mutual insanity, an echo chamber's *quest. Laughing is happy *yelling, coughing **vowels, *selling*spelling, desperation **prowls. Laughter attaches neediness to *speech; the neediness to advertise hopes of becoming a courtship *leech. Ignore my magnetism with an Irish *goodbye, avoid the schism, *comply.
A husband's *dick, does the *trick,for marriages to *stick. Babies are a wife's *shtick.
COMEDY is the art of *assholes, to impress prudes by avoiding their first-date *tolls. Laughter hunts involuntary *goals, when it publicly exposes one's clandestine *loopholes. This is "typically" how men dupe prudes with *humour, romancing the arrival of an ovarian *tumour. Comedy entitles arrogance to *express, what thunderous applause and frightened boos *confess. Converting contrarians is difficult to *achieve, ADVOCATES evangelizesensitivity by "respecting" differencesSCHEMERS *weave. What separates critical thinkers is a numbers *game; can I suffer from group-think if the world doesn't serve me *fame? Maybe group-think's misguided *appeal, confirms its phobias for the lynch-mob's *repeal.
Continued: A Deeper Dive into Chauvinistic Humour and Bigender Courtship
I’ve talked about feelings because emotion is a majority omen, but to recall from memory: Woman's logic is emotionally sourced by patriarchy's BUZZKILL "philosophy." Why? The growing EASE of sexual mischiefprioritizesexperiences that EXCHANGE women's value in the eyes of BUZZKILL-fathers and self-respecting bachelors, for feminist debauchery. Why? Chicks are as horny as they are competitive; without BUZZKILL's shaming tactics holding them *back. Hence the catalyst to capitalize on what women *lack. Objectivity. I wish women could watch themselves gawking (and squawking) at the unreasonable *wants, perfection *jaunts while giving away free *snatch. Accountability is a "misguided" prison that LOVES to *scratch.
Virginity excites loose men's *hearts, these conquests don't change the outcome of false *starts. That's why it's a father's *job, to vet candidates, dad will be your*snob. Logic SECURES WHEN innocence "innovates" with low hanging *fruits: sexuality rots the guts of wisdom's *toots. Generally *speaking, men can't ignorebouncing breasts, it encourages *peaking. This female adaptation tickles endeavours to *fuck, buckling under a personality made of mindless *muck. With free attention comes a growing *libido, to fuck everything fun, a naïve *credo. Average women being "*tamed" surrendering to love *unclaimed. Short-term aphrodisiac spoiling one’s *opinions, femininity rules holy *dominions.
Highs must skirt lows with stupefying*delusions; defying patriarchy serves unsurprising *conclusions. Why? No self-respecting man fun or *boring, marries a career-hoe with their loose-meat-pussy *snoring. Why? That behaviour mimics masculine*goals, the price women pay for switching *roles. The majority of men prefer feminine*wives, bitch bring your receipts from the dating *archives. Cosmic *chatter can be an asset*platter, when the CYPHERS to wealth and fertility *shatter. Feelings are evidence of unreasonable *wants, denial's immutable flaw haunting us with *taunts. Emotions are majority *omens, “chatter” bridges the gap...then again humour didn't save the *romans. Distracting adult cry-babies, group-think lobbyists *choking on mild *joking.
History *repeats, like babies discovering swollen *teats. This is where chatter appeals to the bad-boy contrarian DESIRE of “entertaining” a busty libido with extremely OFFENSIVE chauvinism to steer group-think (or culture) towards a "superior" form of selfish-sanity. God is selfish with our pain. My goal is to create GOOD reputations with good PEOPLE. However, I’m the author of my chatter that’s designed PRIMARILY to relieve MY stress and secondarily to ACCELERATE the rehabilitation of bipolars from the trauma of psychosis through word of mouth, not activism. I'm not an evangelist, I'm an obtuse-chauvinist and I need to live within my means. Thanks.